On The Path To The Allotment: A Retrospective


I usually do have a camera in my pocket when I go to the allotment, although gardening and snapping are not ideal co-activities given the photographer’s general grubbiness. Anyway, here are some of my favourite shots from the past few years: nature small but beautiful, and in no particular seasonal order. I especially love the header photo though – the winter sun caught in a windfall apple that has been hollowed out by blackbirds, so many natural forces at play here.

Also the fact that I caught a Common Blue butterfly, wings open and with a one-handed click and it turned out to be pretty much in focus, is hugely pleasing. These little butterflies flit about at high speed, and seem especially nervous if you point a camera at them.


Most perversely too, while my gardener self fumes at finding dandelions, thistles and bindweed in the garden, since they are the most difficult weeds to oust, I still admire their beauty, and in all their phases. And the bees clearly love thistle flowers too.









So much to see all around us. We only have to look.

Lens-Artists: Nature

This week Patti at Lens-Artists gives us nature as her theme. Please call in to see her and the other Lens-Artists’ work.

70 thoughts on “On The Path To The Allotment: A Retrospective

  1. Lovely shots, Tish. I agree that many plants that we don’t desire to have in lawns or gardens (or even invasive ones) are often beautiful. My walk in the park today lead me to admire the beauty of winter snow and it was wonderful. So much beauty out there if people only look…and don’t cover it all up with buildings and cement. And take their eyes off their phones!!!


  2. Lovely shots Tish. Like you, I am very taken with the hollowed-out apple and the butterfly is wonderful. Seeing is the first step to really appreciating, so thank you for sharing your corner of the world.

    1. Now you mention it, it’s been very intriguing putting them together in this one post. A little store of encounters that were truly worth having and keeping. Thanks for that thought, Sally.

  3. The colours on the butterfly are unreal – they look so much like a jeweller brooch!

    I have said this before, Tish, that it is so wonderful that you encounter nature in such understated yet marvellous ways. A daily encounter with beauty!

      1. Indeed Beauty is everywhere! although some days it takes a little more effort to see and enjoy it. It is a process, which I am enjoying tremendously; and also vicariously through wonderful blogs like yours, Tish!

    1. Many thanks, Ali. Interesting about the dandelions, isn’t it. On the allotment side of the hedge I give them no quarter, and hoik them out. And on the field side of the hedge I take their photos 🙂

  4. Nature is so beautiful and your photography does her justice. The images have a mystical quality to them. Lovely!

    1. Diolch yn fawr Elisabeth. You also have a very lovely blog. Time we popped over the border for a visit. We’ve greatly missed our Christmases on Anglesey for the last couple of years.

      1. Anglesey is amazing. I remember your previous post on Penmon. From then on I was in love with the place. It’s my dream to live there one day.

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