Look Out! Wildlife Breakout In Shrewsbury Yesterday

I don’t know what Charles Darwin would have thought about this particular piece of birthplace birthday commemoration on his behalf. Yesterday the passers by on Wyle Cop, one of Shrewsbury’s most ancient streets, either engaged at full throttle or looked thoroughly bemused. It was certainly an original idea to devote part of the road to a wildlife reserve (Wild Cop), and to turn an empty nearby shop into a rain forest wherein children could also pick up their wildlife activity sheets to fill in during half term week.

It turned out to be part of the town’s Darwin Festival – held throughout February both to mark the fact that Darwin was born in Shrewsbury (12 February 1809), and to celebrate ‘the origin of independent thinking.’ I’ll second that fine objective. We can’t have too much of it. Now for the animals:







In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.

Charles Darwin

Six Word Saturday

40 thoughts on “Look Out! Wildlife Breakout In Shrewsbury Yesterday

  1. The street zoo is really impressive, Tish. I’m sure, not only children enjoy those animals, but also the adults as me. I’m hoping there are more places offering this educative activities.

  2. Is it me or is there something a little incongruous about wild African animals and black and white Tudor buildings together? But they might feel at home with the lion on The Lion Hotel 🙂

    1. That juxtaposition was making me chuckle too – lion and The Lion. It was indeed a very strange choice of location, but at least it was easier to cross Wyle Cop than it usually is 🙂

  3. What a surprise to find your Main Street invaded, but lots of fun too. The gorilla looked like King Kong with the little kid in his hand. Everyone still looks well rugged up, must be cold

  4. They add fun to street for sure. I think it’s a wonderful to promote or educate youngsters about wildlife.
    Beautifully captured, Tish!

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