In my garden after the rain


Ladybirds seem to have been in short supply this year, so I was pleased to find this one nestling in my sage bush. Like bees, we absolutely need ladybirds. They are our natural pest controllers, preying on aphids and scale insects that can otherwise cause massive damage to food crops. As I was taking this photo, I was also delighted to scare off the harvestman spider that was creeping up on the ladybird. If you look in the bottom right corner above the copyright notice, you can just see the spiderโ€™s legs. Yikes!



And hereโ€™s more evidence of spider activity: ambush exposed by raindrops in a garden pot.



Now for one of my favourite plants in the garden. The flowers of this later flowering phlox remind me of jasmine and are half the size of the usual cottage garden varieties. It has just the faintest subtle scent, and doesn’t mind shade.



Heuchera is another wonderful plant, and especially for ground cover. It comes in several hundred variations, and although understated on the floral front, it more than makes up for this with colour-bursting leaves that last all spring and summer. Also I see thereโ€™s spider lurking top left. I think itโ€™s another harvestman. The bright green leaves amongst the heuchera are self-sown aquilegia seedlings. More granny’s bonnets to look forward to next year then. You never know what colour the flowers are going to be either – mauve, purple, pink, red, white. It’s one of the best things about plants that do their own gardening.



The tiny fruit on our Japanese crab apple are just beginning to take on their autumn colour. Soon they will be a deep russet red. I don’t think snails eat apples. At least I’m giving this one the benefit of the doubt; it’s probably just been sheltering from the rain.



And now for a flashback-fastforward: the crab apple tree in April โ€“ spring past, spring to comeโ€ฆ

Today Was a Good Day

44 thoughts on “In my garden after the rain

  1. Amazing pictures ! I love the fact that we can see the water bubbles so clearly on each of them, and the details on the very first green leaf are so deep and poignant… and of course the ladybug which appears so much smaller compared to the leaf, gives a good sense of dimension. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I too learn from your blogs. Glad you saved the ladybird – have only seen a single one this entire summer. And it’s still raining here ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  3. The OH said you’d had some heavy storms your way, you have captured some delightful raindrops, especially on the heuchera which looks like my Marmalade one. They are very giving plants. I haven’t seen any ladybirds this year, what is that all about? Glad you saved it from the spider.

  4. Great photos ~ its been a great year for apples, well all fruits here in the UK. It’s true I haven’t seen many ladybirds but my we’ve got more than our fair share of spiders! Maybe there’s a connection!

    1. Yes, we’re overrun with spiders in the house. It’s quite creepy. Whatever space you put your hand into – even inside my big salt pot, there seems to be a web. They’d better not be eating ladybird though ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. No need to worry, Tish! They’ve come north. I’ll pack their suitcases and send them back. ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t need any spiders in exchange though. Lovely heuchera! We have those too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. A lovely celebration of rain Tish, and such noticing photos with plenty of wildlife. Each photo is rich in colour and beautifully composed. How do you persuade the creatures, especially the ladybird, to place themselves just so? I’m glad you explained the flowerpot, and I like the “spring past, spring to come” comment. I’m not even jealous of rain – we’ve had our own and the creek opened to the sea about 8 o’clock last night.

    1. Oh I like that image of the creek opening to the sea. Here, we had so much rain in the night, it seemed we might soon be floating. The garden is now looking very shot at.

  7. I do love a good water drop photo, Tish, and you have more than one. We have bugs who look like ladybugs but aren’t, so I’m never sure when I spot what I think is a ladybug, whether it is or not. ๐Ÿ™‚


  8. Love how those spiders are waving their legs at you and so pleased the ladybird was saved. Down south in Sydney (1000 km from here) they are having torrential rain and flooding. So far it hasn’t reached us and we need rain but not floods.

      1. They certainly do. The media gave us the expected weather for our summer. They certainly hedged their bets as the said it looked like a stormy wet season, but it could also be drought!!!!

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