The Changing Seasons: This Was February


Winter – spring – winter: we have been sorely teased over the past weeks, though it’s true that February may often prove contrary, breaking out in fleeting intervals of unexpected warmth. This year, after hard-frost beginnings, we had several days of sudden spring, and he who is old enough to be more weather-wise started casting clouts and layers with abandon. Too soon, I told him. Winter’s not done. And besides, March can be cruel. Hang on, good sir, to fleecy vests and quilted combinations.

And so here we are, the first days of the new month with much sky-gloom and creeping dankness, again the pressing need for woolly gloves and hats, and that’s just indoors. I joke. Well almost. But in spite of the cold, there are signs of spring: the blackbird singing its heart out just now in the Station Road holly tree, doves on the church tower in close-canoodling-cooing huddles, daffodils fast opening. Reasons to be cheerful. Absolutely!










The Changing Seasons: February 2021

45 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons: This Was February

  1. We haven’t had snow since last weekend. Some of the daffs are blooming, their petals seemingly translucent. A result of the freeze? Perhaps.

  2. Our Daffs are well out but the Snowdrops are lagging behind. And the first Celandine are a welcome sight in the lane. Blackthorn is out in sheltered spots but black and bleak in others. Raven are nesting in the hilltop pines and Robin in the Ivy covering the churchyard wall. Hey Ho ‘tis Spring!

  3. For a few days I got a bit excited. First butterflies sighted, tick, garden tidied, tick, flowers starting to bloom, tick, now it’s cold, grey and foggy. Got to love the English spring.

  4. I am only glad that February wasn’t as wet as it was last year. And the days are growing longer now, though today was so dull and gloomy it felt like we’d slipped back into winter. Lovely photos of your February. Let’s hope the sun soon returns.

      1. Thank you Tish. I slept through the fist quake, and although we’re really close to the sea here it’s at the upper reaches of the harbour so we weren’t at risk. I did spend the day sorting our emergency kit though, and making sure the boy-child and his flatmates have an emergency plan. Looks like no casualties and very little damage, so huge relief all round.

  5. Ah, spring. We’re even seeing signs of spring here, although nothing to do with wetness or daffodils, although I have cut daffodils and a really cool daffodil bulb in a vase where you can see all the roots. I love seeing your spring flowers because they don’t grow here. Contrary to Su, our days are getting longer every day and I love that, although I keep waking up earlier and earlier. 🙂


  6. Your photos all look very sparkly and hopeful, Tish.
    Also, I want to thank you for your planting suggestions. They worked a treat. We also put some copper tape on the rim of the garden bed. This kept all the slugs and snails out.

  7. Delightful photos sun, snow and emerging bulbs. The gradual turning of the seasons. I think I remember the old saying “ ner cast a clout till May is out”… could be true

  8. I’d show you photos of all the snow we’ve had, but well, you know how it is?

    Hang on in there, Miss T … spring proper is just around the corner.

  9. We’re shivering here in Ealing too, after being teased last week with properly spring-like warmth. But the daffodils are out and blossom starting to appear 🙂 I love your photos – the ice on the window is effective but my favourite is the lone cloud above a field!

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