February’s Changing Seasons: All Catkin Gold In Wenlock

The last day of February, and we had been promised a change in the weather, an elemental side-swipe from the Atlantic bringing an end to our surprise spring fling and our ‘nearly 10 degrees warmer than usual’. So I thought I’d better get this written yesterday as a small celebration of a final perfect day (cue Lou Reed). At lunchtime the errand of posting a letter turned into a full-scale ramble around the town. It had to be done. The sun was hot, the air still, and the lane to Downs Mill beckoned. But first there were the highland cattle to commune with, and bees and tortoiseshell butterflies in the Cutlins cherry blossom, and on the lane past the priory ruins there were sunny banks of violets and celandines, while in the parkland fields on either hand, sheep-mothers-to-be were quietly grazing, waiting for lambs to happen.

Here, then, are some scenes from my perfect Much Wenlock day. Thank you, beneficent nature entities, and especially for all those happy humming bees in the cherry tree.


And now for the ‘aaah’ moment:



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P.S. The weather people were right. We woke to rain on the skylight and grey skies and February more as we know it.


Changing Seasons: February 2019


73 thoughts on “February’s Changing Seasons: All Catkin Gold In Wenlock

    1. Ah, now there’s the rub, Ian. Actually the thing that wrung the heart strings on your wonderful leopard vid, was the ‘soundtrack’ of birds in the bush – coucal, ring-necked doves etc Interesting too, when we were in Africa I never was homesick for England, not in 8 years, which is not to say I did not at times feel like a displaced person. Perhaps I still am 🙂

      1. I saw you talk of warm weather and I don’t know how warm, Kisumu warm or just close to warm. Nairobi has been hot we can’t wait for the rains. Apart from that, I am doing alright

            1. The other day Kenya wanted to give guards weapons and I am here wondering whose half baked idea is it to increase the number of guns in civilian hands.

  1. Aaaah …Ingerlund!

    After Liverpool trounced Watford last night I am feeling quite cheerful aujourd hui, despite the fact we are steaming at 34c

    Its too hot even for the birdies to go tweet!
    Now. where’s my iced tea and sunglasses?

  2. How wonderful to see tortoise shell butterflies! I saw a brimstone, which I think is a springtime butterfly. Love your highland cattle!

  3. Quite lovely. I was thinking of you Memsahib, as I read the news about an extraordinary albeit short sun and warmth sweeping across Europe. Well. It will come back. Be good.

      1. Hullo Tish. I wish I could do so more often. I have been a tad away from blogging. Picking it up again. But I need to “manufacture” a better “following system” for the blogs (like yours) I really care about… Work in progress. Kwaheri sassa.
        (Shropshire-COME-Sherwood? Is that the equivalent to the French “Lés” which means close to when attached to a city or place name? )

  4. I’m late to the viewing party, but my appreciation for the beauty you shared is second to none. 🙂 That Ahhhh moment is just right and made me smile. We’re still mired in winter and no snow to make it lovely. I’ll be glad to see the end of February and look forward to the promise of spring sometime in March!


  5. Hi tish – glad to be part of this lovely day – and liked that aha moment
    We might have snow next Monday and I am ready – but might need to enjoy the sunshine this weekend and maybe get a few pics

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