Black & White Sunday: Lining up in NYC

Grand central

It was just pure chance that made me look up as we were heading into Grand Central Terminal en route for the subterranean Oyster Bar. I was thus able to snap two landmarks in one – both the Terminal’s pediment and the top of the Chrysler Building. Between the two is the glassy face of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. We were not staying there I hasten to add,  but at the upcycled Beaux Arts Hotel Belleclaire on Broadway in Upper Westwide. I can recommend it. I can recommend the Oyster Bar too. On the day I took the photo it proved a haven in more ways that one. The sea food and Brooklyn beer were not only delicious, but the place was so COOL. Out on the streets there was May heat-wave going on with temperatures of  over 100 degrees. We had already spent most of our few days in the city sticking to the  shade in Central Park, and drinking copious glasses of iced coffee at the Loeb Boathouse cafe. Very good it was too, but there’s only so much of this you can do when you have come thousands of miles to see Manhattan. Finally we forced ourselves out into the baking streets …

By the way, this reflected framing of the shot is a feature of Windows Photo Gallery which I use for writing my blog posts. I thought I would try it out for Paula’s challenge.

copyright 2015 Tish Farrell

Paula’s Black & White Sunday: Lines

30 thoughts on “Black & White Sunday: Lining up in NYC

  1. Ah, your reminiscence there conjures some of my own. Nothing like being in that city when the weather’s right, and life feels so boundless. I was lucky to do so on one of those first really warm spring days years ago, for a business trip. To spend time with some sangria people-watching and roaming Midtown alone, so much life there. Thanks for sharing Tish.

  2. I liked your “Finally we forced ourselves out into the baking streets …” – and you gave me a flashback to the heat in our face always when we were standing in the underground / subway stations in NYC!

    1. Madhu, I’m almost sure I spelled your name wrongly in my comment on your post. So sorry. I have a habit of transposing letters these days. Fingers and brain not quite in sync.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Liza. Just had a quick hop over to your blog. I’m a long way from NYC but it’s good to know where to eat – just in case we get back there soon 🙂

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