I Will Survive! Blooming Transplanted Crab Apple


Back in the autumn I mentioned we had been forced to move a much loved crab apple tree. Her name is Evereste and she is a small tree of the Japanese sort. She was originally planted in the corner of an ugly raised bed and beside some increasingly dangerous garden steps. The bed needed to go, and Graham planned to remodel the steps so we would not break our necks on them in the upcoming years of decrepitude, or after a glass too many of Prosecco out in the garden. Evereste thus had to be relocated to a much nicer spot on our fence boundary, but before that she had to undergo some very serious pruning with the aim of reducing the stress of being moved. She went from being a billowy, branchy tree to a very neat and upright tree.

However, I’m sure she will return to her billowy self in a year or two, and the good news is she is flowering wonderfully NOW. I love crab apple trees. We recently bought a stunning weeping one for my sister’s birthday – Royal Beauty . And it was while I was tracking down suppliers that I learned you could make a hedge using low growing crab apple trees. A hedge that flowers and fruits. How beautiful is that – and how the wildlife would love it. It’s making me think that Evereste might need some company along the garden fence.


Cee’s Flower of the day

34 thoughts on “I Will Survive! Blooming Transplanted Crab Apple

  1. Great to see the fruits (OK, blossoms) of your labours, Tish! I love apple blossom, and miss the little tree I had in my garden where I used to live- it was lovely at this time of year

  2. Gorgeous blossom and I love the idea of a flower and fruity hedgerow. I am tempted to squeeze one into my garden, but not sure how it would fare in the windy conditions.

  3. You bring back memories of spring in Morskie Oko which had an abundance of crabapples. Don’t do it! Congratulations on a successful transplant – and will I live long enough to enjoy your hedge?

  4. Superb flowers. We had a tree like that back in New York. it got to a certain age and split in half. We tried to save it, but it was finished. We were told that such lovely trees have a life span and when they are done, they are done.

    1. Sad to lose such a tree. Was it a very large growing one? I ask because our Buffalo chums had a huge one in their garden. When they grow tall, as well as old, they’re prey to weather extremes. UK domesticated ones seem to be mostly grafted onto small growing rootstock. I don’t know if that increases longevity or not.

  5. Glad your girl made the move successfully – such beautiful bloomers and easy to manage. I planted one in our communal garden 10 years ago when I thought we were moving away from London – am still here and its blooming away right now. A hedgeful of crab apples would give you plenty of fruit to ferment into wine and then you could fall down the steps to your hearts content p.s. in my wishlist garden I have a boundary hedge of Japanese quince – the apple blossom coloured variety

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