Black & White Sunday: A Spot Of Dog Walking And A Dastardly Outbreak Of Clothes Moths


Here is a dog who knows just where he’s going, taking the steps down to the old railway line that runs besides the Linden Walk. I caught him by chance in a beam of sunlight. This rather makes him look as if I stuck him on later. I also like the way his master has become a silhouette at the top of the steps.  One my photo-accidents that turned out quite well.

While I’m here I’d like to wish you all a Happy 16th April in whatever capacity you are enjoying or celebrating it. As for me, I’m waging a campaign against moths – cleaning out my closet and putting all my fine wool items into the freezer for a fortnight. It’s just as well the stock of frozen allotment beans and raspberries is now dwindling and I have a spare drawer for assorted Indian shawls. And in case you think this very odd behaviour for an Easter Sunday, my other half tells me that this is the only way to ensure my woollies are moth egg-free without the application of noxious chemicals. Apparently there is quite an outbreak of clothes moths in the UK just now. I’m wondering if this isn’t due to all the buying of cashmere jumpers that people have been indulging in; it’s ideal moth food. Anyway, it does have its uses being married to an entomologist.

Black & White Sunday  Please visit Paula to see her mesmeric stairwell. If you follow her steps down and down, they could well take you to a parallel universe.

42 thoughts on “Black & White Sunday: A Spot Of Dog Walking And A Dastardly Outbreak Of Clothes Moths

  1. Excellent, his master looks like a statue or even like a cardboard man. This is so cool. Very happy you could post today, Tish. Happy Easter 🙂

  2. There are so many holidays this time of year, one is bound to be the right one. Here, not only is it Easter Sunday and Passover, but it also spring break AND in Boston, Patriot’s Day on which we run the Boston marathon. So there you have it. A little something for everyone. Love the dog on stairs!

  3. Thank you, Tish Farrell-
    Do have a beautiful Easter time.
    Thank you for your ” recipe ” against moths.
    There is plenty over here ine Brittany this spring – maybe the milder climate ?
    Amitiés – france 🙂

      1. A walk in the park for one as gifted as you.
        And there’s your title… ”A walk in the park.”

        When Much Wenlock’s famous author, Tish Farrell discovers the body of local milkman, Winston Longlife under a pile of leaves one morning while walking her dog, she wonders why he is covered in strawberry yogurt. ”Never thought he had that much culture,to begin with,” remarked Ms Farrell to the incompetent Chief Inspector Halfpint.
        Will Tish discover the identity of the murderer, or will the beleaguered residents of this small English village have to call Angela Lansbury … again?

        1. You nutcase. I think you should get on and write this pronto. Winston Longlife – what a fab name for a milkman. We still have one in Wenlock too – a milkman that is. They’re a rare breed these days with, or without yogurt coating.

  4. Wishing you a happy long weekend too Tish. Thanks for the moth advice; I’ve noticed a few of the little blighters around the house and have been dreading the task of taking my closet apart to investigate. Luckily with the boy-child no longer resident, freezer space has become available.

  5. Gotta love Ark 🙂 On your mark, get set, go! I don’t have any ‘fine’ wool jumpers, Tish. I’ll just have to trust to luck with the coarse ones as there’s no room in my fridge freezer. 🙂 But I do love your photo.

  6. Cracking shot and I love Ark’s detective story – yes, yes, yes, you have to write it!! As for the moths I can’t wear wool or cashmere, so no troubles there. And 16 April is my second granddaughter’s birthday – she turned 13 today so thrilled to be a teenager at last (she has been exhibiting teenage behaviour though for at least three years…)

        1. Yes, I shudder when I look back on my adolescence. I also had a mother who through her forties hadn’t done with her teenage years either. She did all the bad stuff on my behalf, which was a bit weird.

  7. That is a cool shot! And as to wool jumpers I only have three cashmere ones, relics from my time in D.C., so old even the moths have not eaten them 🙂

  8. Yeah, but then how can you put a sweater on when it’s cold? I had a cashmere sweater two years ago that the moths enjoyed before I ever did. I’m still angry at them. Butterflies, though, are still my friends.

    1. I’m angry with the moths too – they’ve sheared little bits of pile off a new coat, that is not even cashmere. Keeping things in the light helps too. But yes – butterflies are good – all except Cabbage Whites whose offspring eat my cabbages.

  9. A freeze frame moment of man and dog – well caught! But man and moths are another thing – since Mr G’s sock draw was invaded 😈 he has taken up a belief in cedar balls. I have my doubts but they keeps him reassured (moths are immune to camphor it seems and I certainly am not – reminds me of school trunks – the transportable kind.) I have a good few woollies and they are wrapped in plastic bags – not frozen but accompanied by cedar balls of course! p.s. Am reading ‘ The Shepherd’s Life: by James Rebanks’ and we customers should be upping the demand for wool :mrgreen: instead of making do with polyesters 😦 we just have to find a way to switch Tineola bisselliella tastes

    1. I have some cedar ring thingies, of whose efficacy entomologist-other-half is most sceptical, but bags with same or similar enclosed sound a good idea to me. Of course castle-living folk kept their duds in the garderobe. One wonders whether it was the bad fumes or the wind whistling up from the castle moat that kept the moths away. I’m thinking it might be the draught. I seem to remember Voltaire putting forth a very cogent argument to explain Edward I’s choleric disposition that led to such rabid castle building. Voltaire concluded that HM was perpetually constipated due to the draughty loos.

  10. Nice image Tish – the dog owner looks very sinister. A question for the entomologist – are carpet moths and clothes moths one and the same? We were infested with the former a couple of years back and they did quite some damage (and it turns out ‘infestations’ were not covered by our home insurance 😦 )

  11. Never know where you’ll go next! A great atmospheric photo, taken from a great angle, and then esoteric knowledge about moth control – not a problem I have fortunately. My jumpers would have to share the freezer with dog bones, and there’s not much room. Which reminds me – I have to relocate my freezer from the garage: it’s only used at Christmas for the crowds and it makes too much noise for the sensitivities of him-who-lives-downstairs if it stays inside.

  12. It seems that one good thing about living in Canada is that most of the year it is like living in a freezer and this there is no moth issue. Hope the treatment leaves you moth free. 🙂

    1. Other half spent his boyhood in Canada. Though not a one for the cold here in the UK, he waxes lyrical about Canada’s cold and especially the making his own ice rinks! I’m hopeful about the moth situation 🙂

  13. I have frozen natural fibre clothing to get rid of clothes moth. Also fitted lights inside cupboards when had a bad infestation. It all seemed to do the trick. This was after my grandfather’s antique felt fedora hat got partially eaten! For old carpets that were also being eaten I vacuum cleaned back and front often and put them out in hot sun often too. Have noticed a few what look like clothes moth egg/larvae thingies lately so might have to start paying more attention. Also, I like the atmospheric photo and the thriller idea to go with it is excellent! Glad I don’t eat strawberry yoghurt!

    1. You sound as if you’re doing just the right things. Other half says clothes moths definitely avoid the light. I share your thought on strawberry yoghurt 🙂

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