All Bee Hum And Bee Bums In The Raspberries


I’ve written quite a lot about bees on this blog, and in particular the threat of neonicotinoid pesticides to which, researchers suggest, bees become addicted (see Bee-ing Bee-Minded), so I am hugely pleased to find so many bees feeding on my untainted raspberry flowers. Nothing like the sound of happy, busy bees and the sight of all those raspberries in the making.  Thank you bees.





copyright 2018 Tish Farrell

40 thoughts on “All Bee Hum And Bee Bums In The Raspberries

  1. I absolutely love closeups of insects. These busy bees are getting in their tastes before we do. In some of the shots, they look like part of the flower. Great shots.

  2. And, love your title. I intend to share this a bit later in the day so it isn’t so close in time to your posting. Perhaps it will draw a different audience of those looking at notifications. So much of what is being legislated does not take the future into account. You make very important points.

  3. I am glad I live in the absolutely organic valley of valleys. It isn’t organic for any special reason … except for the water. We are all terrified of polluting our aquifer and wells that no one — at least none of the farmers although we have a few exceptionally stupid home-owners — uses fertilizers other than horse dung, which remains extremely popular. None of our local horse farms ever have any leftovers. The bees love everything I grow and it is certainly untainted. Whatever else is wrong with it, it’s full of bees and garter snakes and some very weird looking bugs and I just ignore all of them. Let the insects fight their own wars. I’m just here for the exhibit.

    1. I don’t think this is true overall. We’re lucky here in Shropshire. It’s an agricultural county, but there are plenty of areas and wild places that don’t get sprayed with chemicals.

  4. How wonderful to see so many bees. It is such a worry to think of them all dying. It’s good to know they are attracted to raspberries.

  5. We have a swarm resting in one of our oak trees. They come and go about every two years. The swarm is smaller this year. It make me sad and angry. Thank you for the lovely pictures.

  6. I always love seeing bees around my little garden or anywhere else, for that matter. Your title had me chuckling even before I read the post, with which I completely agree.


  7. Lovely to see the bees, bums and all. I have had some big ones visiting the self-seeded foxgloves in the garden. If only I could grow to love slugs and snails…

    1. It’s fascinating watching bees pop inside the foxglove flowers. As to S & S, I was moving the stack of buckets and big pots that have been outside my polytunnel all winter, and shock-horror, there were a zillion roosting there – all colours and sizes. So much for hoping the cold weather might deplete the hordes.

      1. They have a nasty habit of finding somewhere to hide. Luckily you had a bucket on hand to drown the critters!! Having got a photo first, of course 😀

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