The Changing Seasons ~ March

This first photo sums up our best  March highlight so far – a trip to Ludlow a couple of weeks ago – a day of near summer weather where we sat out at a pavement cafe without coats, and had a delicious pasta and spicy clam lunch; followed a couple of hours later by afternoon tea and cake at the riverside Green Cafe, where we were still outside and coatless. Bliss. Ducks in companionable clumps were sunbathing on the river islands, the River Teme was teeming over the weir, the more active ducks were using it as a duck chute, and people and dogs were lazing about the place, soaking up the sun. The whole day seemed like a dream.

But now we are not dreaming, for if March came in like a lamb, then today it is definitely in lion mode – all biting, icy teeth, and I’m being a weak and feeble woman, and failing to gird myself for an allotment visit. It’s much more pleasant to assemble a gallery of warm-day-out photos. Welcome to Ludlow, South Shropshire’s loveliest market town:


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copyright 2017 Tish Farrell

To take part in The Changing Seasons challenge, please visit Max over at Cardinal Guzman. The rules are simple, and you get to see Max’s photo shoots around Oslo.

37 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons ~ March

  1. I haven’t been to Ludlow in a long time. Your pictures remind me that I must do so again soon. I was out and about in Kingston this morning, and although bitingly cold, it was sunny and beautiful…still is….:)

  2. Beautiful, Tish! Just to remind Jude what she’s missing 🙂 Icy cold here too, but very bright and sunny so we swift marched along the beach and back. But I do fondly remember those couple of golden days 🙂 🙂

  3. Gorgeous. The layout on your webpage is much better than the way the photos are displayed in the email. I will have to remember to comment on every post so I can see this in future! Let’s hope it warms up a bit before I come back to UK at the beginning of April for a two week furlough.

    1. Interesting to know how the site appears via different media. But a bit annoying. So thanks for your diligence, Ian. I think we’ve been promised improving temps from tomorrow. So yes, fingers crossed for your April break.

  4. Lovely. This is what I occasionally yearn for when the Englishman in me pulls at the heart strings.
    Is the dog yours? He/she looks so much like Cindy.

  5. A lovely atmospheric post. Can you send a bit of sunshine my way? – rain every day since I got home except one and clammy-muggy. My favourite photo is that worn mossy face with the pink bricks behind. It’s interesting to see Jude’s old stamping grounds through your eyes.

    1. Yes, and I think of her whenever I’m there. Our sun has pushed off, so I’m sorry I can’t send you some. Hope you’re getting to feel more settled in at the other end of the planet.

        1. Thanks so much for the link, Meg. I was already following but your posts had not turned up in my reader, so it would have taken me a while to find you otherwise.

  6. All your pictures are breathtaking , Tish….
    Ludlow must be incredible all the year , but you definitely chose the perfect season to take photographs….
    Thanks for this share!

  7. March is always a tough month. It teases you with beautiful, warm days and then slaps you in the face with icy wind and snow.

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