Chrissie Hynde Queen of the Castle


It’s not often that a rock legend comes to perform practically on your doorstep, but in the summer of 2002 Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders did just that. They were booked to show in the outer bailey of Rochester Castle. At that time we’d not long moved back to the UK from Kenya and were living along the Esplanade in Rochester, Kent, a short walk from the castle. We could not believe our luck. The tickets cost £15 and we had to bring our own chairs and refreshments. Midge Ure did the opening set and it was all rather low key, with people milling around and having sunset picnics. And then the Pretenders were on and the night turned electric…


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The 12th century keep of Rochester Castle, Kent _ The Pretenders’ venue July 2002.


And now for a classic favourite performed live:

#chrissiehynde #thepretenders #tishfarrellwriter #rochestercastle

9 thoughts on “Chrissie Hynde Queen of the Castle

  1. Missed this post but a comment popped up in my email so …
    Saw plenty of bands growing up in the UK but never saw the Pretenders. Did see Midge Ure when he was with Ultravox at a Reading Rock festival & 78 or 79?
    Graham’s shots of Chrissie are super!

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