Taking Off!


The last day of Becky’s May squares, and I thought this photo of my aunt, Evelyn Ashford, somehow sums up the themes of renewal and moving forward. It shows such spirit, doesn’t it; a sense of hopefulness and forging ahead.

I’m guessing it was taken in tough times too, around the start of the war in 1939. Evelyn would have been seventeen. But it’s possible it was taken earlier. Her very ‘grown-up’ tweeds may be explained by the fact she was employed in the dress department of a big Guildford store. She had started her working career aged fourteen, apprenticed to the local draper in Cranleigh where the Ashfords lived.

I don’t know who the photographer was, possibly my father, but a bit of sleuthing has revealed the location as the trig point on Pitch Hill, Surrey, not far from Cranleigh. Evelyn is taking flight over the South Downs.

Evelyn Coneyhurst Hill

Evelyn Mary Ashford 1923 – 2013


You can find her story in an earlier post The Many Faces of Evelyn Mary Ashford

And more at:

Tales From The Walled Garden

Tales from the walled garden #3: when Alice met Charlie

Tales from the walled garden #4: more about Alice

Tales from the Walled Garden #2: back to the potting shed


27 thoughts on “Taking Off!

  1. well she had an amazing sense of balance didn’t she – loving her energy and her moving forward. What a fabulous way to finish

    1. These characterful photos are so very different from the rather static – staid even – photos of the time. No wonder she grew up interesting! I’ll look forward to looking at the extra blog posts when I get home. It’s so faffy on the phone, my only ‘tech’ here in Spain.

  2. Tish, what a forward looking young woman in the photos with such interesting tales about her and your grandfather which I’d missed perhaps having only caught up with you sometime after 2015. Such interesting reading for a book
    p.s. My father retired to Cranleigh so am familiar with the area and Guildford where he lived before

  3. I’m just impressed that she could climb up on that trig point! She sounds like quite an interesting woman and certainly knew how to pose for the camera. Great photos.

  4. Fabulous photos! (When I was younger, I always thought I would call my daughter Evalin after my two grandmothers’s maiden names Evatt and Lind… but it never happened… I see the name now and I feel a murmur of regret at the lost opportunity!)
    Linda 🙂

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