Admiration Maasai-style


This shot of one of Graham’s fellow travellers was captured long ago in Tanzania when he was on an African overland trip. I find the gentle, almost reverential way in which the young Maasai moran is holding  the girl’s hair very touching. There is some irony too. Usually when a Maasai warrior turns up anywhere, it is he who is the focus of everyone’s admiration. It goes with the territory: the glowing red shuka and the fine beads. He even expects it.



17 thoughts on “Admiration Maasai-style

  1. Tish you’ve reminded me of an experience in the centre of Turkey when a young man in a shop reached out to feel my hair, it was probably as strange to him as this girl’s to the Maasai man!

  2. What a lovely moment. I too did an overland trip in Africa – from Johannesburg to London, in 1980 I think it was. Definitely one of the most amazing adventures of my life.

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