Thinking of Sheilagh


Our sense of belonging ripples out from our homes to our village, street, town, county, region and country and helps to shape our identity.

Sheilagh Jevons, Artist

Related: Looking inside the House of Belonging with Artist Sheilagh Jevons

17 thoughts on “Thinking of Sheilagh

  1. Sheilagh’s art is really fascinating. I particularly like the painting with all the blue chairs. I’m so sorry for your loss of a dear friend, Tish. The tree image is a wonderful tribute, and pairs so well with the quote.

    1. She was/is the loveliest person, Sylvia. The work with the blue chairs is part of her Scottish series, and quite political. It related to the 17th century Scottish Conventers, a Presbyterian group who refused to take the oath that acknowledged the King as head of the church. Sheilagh’s interest was in their ‘standing up’ for their beliefs, and the terrible loss of their land that ensued. She saw it as a part of the present day debate re. Scottish Independence. More recently, though, she said she was tired of issues that divided people, and was working on a project to show us the wonder of our natural wildflower landscapes. Her design for a mural of 8 foot tall wildflowers was recently accepted for a London park. She was sad not to be able to see the project through, but happy to pass all her preparatory work on to another artist who will carry out the project in her name.

    1. Sheilagh will be missed by everyone who knew her. As an artist she was such a tireless worker, always ‘making work’ as she put it. She also did so much to bring Shropshire artists together, and loved to collaborate with other makers wherever she could. Most of all, she wanted us to look at the landscape, to acknowledge how it makes us, and so honour and respect it – thoughts close to your own heart and work, Suzanne. Thank you for your kind words.

    1. That’s lovely, Ark – a cyber hug. Actually, Sheilagh had such presence, and such a passion for making and sharing, that I think she’s probably still around. She’ll be getting on ever so well with Terry somewhere in the ether. After all, all that creative energy has to go/be somewhere. Physics innit.

  2. It’s like Ark said Tish. There are no words hon. Sending you lots of ♥ Hugs ♥ as well.
    A great tribute to her with the stunning capture of that beautiful tree. I love it. 😀 ♥

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